DUBRUTO URBAN PLANNING provides a wide range of urban planning services that includes land development applications and spatial development frameworks and work in relation to that.

We obtain specific land use rights for our clients by lodging on their behalf land use applications with the applicable authorities.

DUBRUTO URBAN PLANNING verskaf dienste vir grondgebruiks-aansoeke en dies meer aan grondeienaars, entrepeneurs en ontwikkelaars.

Die firma word bedryf deur ervare personeel en assosiate wat al in die sektore van die staat, die provinsie, munisipaliteit en die privaatsektor gewerk het. In die proses is Streeksbeplannings-projekte, Integrated Development Plans, ontwikkelingsplanne, nuwe dorpsbeplanningskemas, openbare deelnameprosesse en talle grondgebruiksaansoeke op ‘n stadswye en ook hoogs indiwiduele skaal bestuur.

Die firma glo daar is afsondelike prosesse van leierskap en bestuur vir elke projek. Ons het veral sukses bereik in die verlede op die vlak van leierskap.

DUBRUTO URBAN PLANNING streef daarna om uiters kompeterend in die mark te wees. 

For us no application is too large or too small we apply the required resources and our high standards to each of them.

Our aim is to compete competitively in the market at all times but to also subscribe to professional integrity.

We conduct ourselves in an ethical manner in all dealings and expect honesty, fairness and courtesy both in dealing with our clients and with our associates and external contacts.

We probe the implications of restricting municipal policies to the full benefit of our clients but within the framework of good planning and future collective good and we encourage the contribution from others and respect different viewpoints.

Our firm do not conform to any applicable policy unless it serves to provide reasonable economic opportunities for all individuals.

WE do not accept a negative decision by any official based on the over simplification or generalisation of a land use policy or spatial framework.

WE support the idea of integration between land use management and ongoing land use and development planning.

The goal of spatial policy is to recognise potential development and its locality towards a better urban future - not to restrict it. Historical trends like large scale low density housing must be restructured where applicable. We support the process of strategic thinking in regard to the urban planning process. We believe that sustainability of the urban environment in total will become the mainstay of urban thinking soon.

This firm supports the present legislative principle that policy documents only guide development and they must be debatable and able to accommodate the unexpected event. They must provide realistic answers  as to how SMME's are accomodated within the built environment within affordable and innovative financial frameworks.




We admit that the world we are shaping belongs in total to God as incarnated through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This trinity can be understood as referring to the different ways in which God works. The Father typically refers to God's role as creator and father. The Son of God as “Logos” refers to God's word, His creative power. The Holy Spirit refers to God's presence with us and the rest of His creation.

We believe that we as humans build our cities as we need  them but they are within God’s complex and ongoing natural creation. For that reason  we must make our cities compatible with God’s creation. Because the natural world as well as our cities are nearly infinitely complex systems there is a need to understand that The Creator should not be grasped as less complex as His creation. The concept of the Trinity conforms thereto.

Ethical pyramid. It is not ethical to let oneself be bribed, to lie and to take the credit for something one has not done oneself, write the authors in the book Ethics in Planning. The sketch shows that ethics has different elements and different degrees of abstraction in planning.

“The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one.” 
 Brooks Atkinson

“There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city; people make it, and it is to them, not buildings, that we must fit our plans.” 
 Jane Jacobs

Impact on sustainability